Green People

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Thank you for filling out this survey. Your answers will help the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) and to understand, demonstrate and improve the impact of their programs.

This survey is for people taking part in Pathway Project.

Before you take this survey you should know:

  • You do not have to take this survey - it is your choice.
  • The survey should take a few minutes to complete.
  • The survey will not ask for your name.
  • Your relationship with  will not change in any way if you do not take or finish this survey.
  • By taking this survey, you agree to share your survey answers with OTF and LogicalOutcomes (the organization that collects survey data for OTF).
  • Your survey answers will be combined with other people's answers and shared in charts and tables with . By combining your survey answers with other people's answers, we prevent anyone at  from guessing who you are.
  • Click here to learn more about how data are stored and used by OTF, LogicalOutcomes, and .

OTF collects survey information to comply with the Government of Ontario's mandate to support effective service delivery in Ontario. If you have any questions about this survey, please click here for additional information, or contact Stacey McDonald, OTF's Evaluation and Learning Specialist, at

Thank you for filling out this survey. Your answers will help the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) and to understand, demonstrate and improve the impact of their programs.

This survey is for people taking part in Pathway Project.

Before you take this survey you should know:

  • You do not have to take this survey - it is your choice.
  • The survey should take a few minutes to complete.
  • The survey will not ask for your name.
  • Your relationship with  will not change in any way if you do not take or finish this survey.
  • By taking this survey, you agree to share your survey answers with OTF, LogicalOutcomes (the organization that collects survey data for OTF) and .
  • There is a small chance that someone at  will be able to tell who you are, based on your survey response. Please keep this in mind when filling out your survey.
  • There is a chance that will share anonymous quote(s) from your response in public-facing documents or reports. 
  • Click here to learn more about how data are stored and used by OTF, LogicalOutcomes and .

OTF collects survey information to comply with the Government of Ontario's mandate to support effective service delivery in Ontario. If you have any questions about this survey, please click here for additional information, or contact Stacey McDonald, OTF's Evaluation and Learning Specialist, at

(This question is mandatory)
Are you...
(This question is mandatory)
How long have you been participating in Pathway Project?